Given that this is our third pregnancy, you would think that I would have the hang of it down by now. Alas, I seem to have forgotten a number of things about what it feels like to be pregnant. I know pregnant women are supposed to glow and have fabulous hair and skin and have inordinate amounts of energy to nest and clean, but apparently I have forgotten the, how do I put this delicately, blahs of pregnancy. Please indulge me for a moment while I wallow in self-pity.
This day-long "morning" sickness really blows. Though I do not have any solid evidence, I firmly believe that it was a crusty old male doctor who coined the phrase "morning sickness."
My gag reflex is hypersensitive, which makes brushing my teeth awkward and dangerous. I had this with #1, #2, and now #3 is right on track.
My sense of smell is also hypersensitive. I nearly lost my lunch in the grocery store when I passed by the meat counter. That elderly lady in the salmon cardigan probably thought I was having some sort of seizure.
Finally, I contend that my emotions are also in hyperdrive. On Sunday night, when Randy Newman sang "We Belong Together" at the the Oscars, I kind of lost in on the couch. Steve made fun of me, so I tried to blame it on my pregnancy hormones and he replied that I was not that pregnant and therefore had no excuse to be crying over Randy Newman. He is clearly made of stone.
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Thank goodness babies and kids are cute.